day 18: mopey monday

So there’s a side effect to running stupid distances that I forgot about from November.

You can really bummed out in the days following.

Luckily I started the day off on a super great note, so the “bumming” didn’t happen until later.

I walked out of the bathroom after showering and was blinded by my hostess’ new engagement ring! So happy for my host and hostess and I wish them a long and happy life together. What a joyous way to start the week.

The sun was also shining for the first time in forever, but as the day wore on I got sorer and mopier. Thanks to the magic of Twitter, I had lunch scheduled with a fellow former Milwaukeean, but although I’m generally good at small talk and hearing the experiences of others, today I was just not feeling myself. I’ll have to attend some other Midwest transplant events when I’m in a much better mood.

By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was curl up and rest. So I did. But I forced myself to get up and go eat and walk around a bit to loosen up the muscles. According to Twitter, Ti Couz, where I’d had a dessert crepe with MAB in January is close to closing, so I bolted over there to have a dinner crepe. On the way I happened upon the cute little Forest Books and realizing I hadn’t read my requisite fiction book for the month (I’ve given up on trying to get fiction AND non-fiction in), I decided to scoop something up. I was so unfocused browsing, but the clerk was really nice and I was committed to getting something, so I picked Water for Elephants, since I think everyone and their mom has read it anyway, so it has to be a quick read.

I treated myself to a glass of chardonnay at Ti Couz to accompany my Marée crepe with shrimp and scallops. The tomato cream sauce really made the dish though. Everything was quite scrumptious and I’m glad I stopped in. I also sat at the bar and got to watch the crepe chef at work. Impressive.

Still feeling down, I decided to replenish calories and cheer myself up by hitting up Bi-Rite Creamery for ice cream. Overwhelmed by all the options I quickly picked Rincanelas (cinnamon & snickerdoodles) and Mint Chip. The former was AMAZING, but unfortunately didn’t really go with the latter. Still, ice cream was a nice treat before I headed home and read myself to sleep. Not sure how I feel about the book yet, but it is a quick read!

About Meghan A.

creative & professional creative professional | traveler from home | feminist & nasty woman | product marketing at adobe | left my ❤️ in San Francisco | opinions mine | she/hers
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